2022 |
- Sonop wins the men’s category of Tuks’s 1nSync (first-year concert) competition.
- Drommedaris takes place to St. Lucia (550km in 7 Days).
- Sonop Serenade are the overall winners of Tuks’s Acapella competition.
- Sonop places 2nd in the residence rugby league.
2020 |
- Sonop comes second in Tuks’s 1nSync (first-year concert) competition.
- Sonop wins Tuks’s residence Athletics event.
- The section in the Blue Train where first-years live is named after Die Kraal.
- The squash court is being redone.
- The first #Sailing takes place.
- The global COVID-19 pandemic means that all members of the household must leave the residence on 17/03/2020. The first 55 return only on 06/06/2020 and the rest much later. Traditional class jogging is prohibited and only online lectures are offered.
2019 |
- Sonop’s second rugby team (Ratels) wins the second team residence rugby league.
- Drommedaris XII takes place to Ballito (845 km in 8 days)
- Sonop wins Tuks’ tennis league.
- Serrie to Potchefstroom takes place.
2018 |
- The East is reformed from new members from other regions and the old Pegasus emblem is used again.
- Sonop leaves Tuks-res.
- Train tour takes place to Stellenbosch.
- Sonop enters into a loan agreement with the La Motte Pierneefmuseum to preserve the 10 Sonop Pierneefwerke.
- The first Serrie to Potchefstroom takes place.
- Sonop begins annual Sing! Competition in which Acapella groups from Pretoria and Potchefstroom participate.
- The first BOS day is held.
2017 |
- As winners of the 2016 Tuks Residence Rugby League, Sonop participates in the nationwide Varsity Cup Residence Rugby League
- Drommedaris XI takes place to Clarens (580 km in 5 days)
- Sonop wins Tuks’ residence cricket league.
- Sonop wins the last Tuks wheelchair competition presented.
- The Memorandum of Understanding between Sonop and UP since 2001 is abandoned.
- Two East Mansions almost burn down.
- History of Sonop and the Dutch Reformed Church over 100 years appears as PhD dissertation.
2016 |
- The Sonop Restoration 2013 – 2016 project is completed
- Sonop’s Centenary takes place.
- Sonop’s first team wins the Residence Rugby League.
- Sonop wins the Tuks Acapella competition.
- Train tour takes place to Stellenbosch.
- Sonop wins Tuks’ residence athletics event.
- The first Night Market takes place as a fundraiser for Acapella.
2015 |
- Sonop wins Tuks Acapella Competition.
- Sonop wins Tuks Rag.
- Sonop wins Tuks’ Soccer tournament.
- Drommedaris X takes place to Oudtshoorn (1200 km in 10 days)
2014 |
- Train tour to Stellenbosch takes place.
- Sonop wins 1st place in Tuks serrie.
2013 |
- Frits Eloff launches his book: Kinders Van Duine at Sonop Tehuis.
- Drommedaris IX takes place.
- Sonop wins 1st place in Tuks Acapella.
2012 |
- Sonop wins 1st place with their Rag Fleet built in collaboration with house Erika.
- Sonop wins men’s residence of the year.
2011 |
- Sonop’s 95th anniversary Mini-Festival takes place.
- Drommedaris VIII takes place.
- All Sonop House photos and RC photos are stored digitally.
- Sonop West Rugby Knockout League and Go-carts.
2010 |
- The Commission of Inquiry is taking place following negative newspaper reports.
- Sonop is named Tuks’ Men’s Residence of the Year.
- Sonop gets a full-time Residence Head / House Father.
- The tennis courts are being redone.
- A sports tour to Wilgenhoff takes place.
2009 |
- The Archive is officially redone.
- Drommedaris VII takes place.
2008 |
- Oom Gert is officially restored.
2007 |
- Drommedaris VI takes place.
- Sonop sets record for longest distance run on a tread mill within 48 hours.
2006 |
- Sonop wins Drastoel for the 10th time in a row.
- Sonop’s 90th anniversary celebrations are being held.
- Drommedaris V takes place.
2005 |
- Drommedaris IV takes place from Pretoria to Oudtshoorn.
- Sonop was named Tuks Men’s Residence of the Year for the third year in a row.
- The RC is enlarged to 8 members for the sake of transformation.
2004 |
- Set Guinness World Record for longest hotdog in the world.
- Sonop is named Tuks Men’s Residence of the Year.
2003 |
- The billiard room is being restored.
- Sonop gets an administrator (Uncle Wally) who will henceforth manage residence fees and staff.
- The linen room is being converted into a new home for Nonnie Groen.
- The website is getting a major update.
2002 |
- Napkin fights in the dining room are banned.
- Sonop decides to install a wireless network. We therefore become one of the first institutions in the country with such a network and an ADSL internet line.
- The Spring Day Festival in the East is such a huge success that it is instituted as an annual event.
- The east’s crocodile escapes.
2001 |
- New mansions are being introduced.
- The East Plate is erected.
- The Blue Crocodile project begins.
- Sonop donates their bus to an orphanage.
- The SRM (Sonop Resistance Movement) is established to combat theft in and around Sonop.
2000 |
- Giant Pepper Tree in the West falls on a mansion and flattens it.
1999 |
- General Synod sells Sonop to the Sonopraad for R2,000,000
- Sonop gets a web page.
1993 |
- Bollie trolley is redone.
- Sonop hosts a house dance for the first time.
- Sonop concert tour raises R28 000 for the benefit of the Abraham Kriel children’s home.
- East gets new eastern cart (Ooste III)
1992 |
- Bollie trolley burns out.
1990 |
- Squash court completed.
- Sonop undertakes 3 bicycle tours and raises R30 000 for the benefit of the cancer association.
1989 |
- Uncle Gert’s jacket is being painted.
- The West’s Zebra, Kolle, is played by College.
1988 |
- Police raid with a Kaspir.
- Sonop gets 27 breadfruit trees.
- Bollie trolley gets new engine.
1987 |
- Police raid with a Kaspir.
1986 |
- Malawi Tour.
- North gate is removed after girls with a new Mazda race into it.
- Restoration committee disbanded after completion of the 10-year project.
- Bond of Old Sonoppers is formed.
1985 |
- Three black kitchen staff members take part in sonoppie.
Legal action is being taken against Sonop after a Raid.
1982 |
- The entire house committee is suspended due to the T-party on the west lawn. Subsequently, first-years no longer take part in the T-party, only semmies.
1980 |
- During George Zamfir’s visit, Robert Snyman plays pan flute with first-years accompanying on milk bottles. Robert also donates a pan flute he made to Zamfir.
- The Jan Scholtz movie “Kiepie en Kandas” is shot in Sonop after which the Bollie Trolley (Sweatheart) is donated to the West.
1976 |
- Torchlight procession from Voortrekker Monument to Umtata to congratulate the Transkei on their independence.
- The Sonop Flag is officially taken into use. The Sonop house song, “Zoem Garribaldi”, written by Kobus Seegers, is also used.
- Sonop’s restoration committee is set up, which restores Sonop over a period of 10 years at an amount of almost R300 000. Old Sonoppers contributed the largest part of it.
- First Sonop Dawn appears.
1975 |
- Sonop becomes the first residence at UP to own a TV.
- The pill will henceforth be served in pudding format.
- First Sonop “Rally”
- North installs a trapdoor to stop Raids.
1973 |
- Drommedaris II raises money for Southern Cross.
1970 |
- Nonnie van der Westhuizen resigned believing that the students were barbaric with reference to their disciplinary procedures.
1969 |
- Following a first-year’s uncle’s complaints to the rector, an investigation commission is set up to investigate Sonop’s practices.
1966 |
- Drummedaris: Two bicycles with a drum in between depart for Rhodesia for advertising of Sonop’s half-century celebrations.
1957 |
- Sonop’s national sport, “Cup”, sees the light.
1955 |
- Sonop is proclaimed Republic.
1950 |
- Semels is the first pet to get house member status but had to eat the pill first.
1944 |
- New stables are being built.
1942 |
- Sonop becomes first residence on UP with a swimming pool. The pool was built next to the dining hall at a cost of 250 pounds.
1939 |
- Figure that served as an underpants ad is stolen and christened Garribaldi.
1936 |
- First sign is put up in Sonop.
1935 |
- Great Trek: All the housemates leave the hostel and spend the year in Buxton.
1932 |
- Oom Gert takes his home in Sonop.
1925 |
- The same petal repeats itself under the chairmanship of W. Visser